Opposition to California Assembly Bill 1955: The Perils for Families and Parents

California Assembly Bill 1955 (AB 1955), known as the Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth (SAFETY) Act, was signed into law on July 15, 2024. While proponents argue that this bill promotes a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ students, there are significant concerns about the potential negative impacts on families, parental rights, and the integrity of educational institutions. This article will explore these concerns and highlight the perils this bill poses for families and parents.

Key Concerns

1. Undermining Parental Rights: One of the most alarming aspects of AB 1955 is its potential to undermine parental rights. The bill prohibits school employees from disclosing a student’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to parents without the student’s consent. This effectively removes parents from critical aspects of their child’s life, preventing them from providing necessary guidance and support.

2. Erosion of Family Trust: By allowing students to withhold significant personal information from their parents, the bill fosters an environment of secrecy. This can erode the trust between parents and children, which is essential for a healthy family dynamic. Parents are left in the dark about important aspects of their child’s identity and well-being, making it difficult to offer appropriate support or address potential issues.

3. Increased Risk of Harm: The bill’s emphasis on privacy may inadvertently increase the risk of harm to students. Without parental knowledge and involvement, students who may be struggling with their identity or facing bullying and discrimination may not receive the comprehensive support they need. Parents, who are often the first line of defense in protecting their children, are sidelined, potentially leaving students vulnerable.

4. Encouraging Secrecy Over Transparency: AB 1955 encourages secrecy over transparency in educational settings. By prohibiting the disclosure of students’ gender identity and sexual orientation to parents, the bill creates a culture of concealment. This can lead to a breakdown in communication between schools and families, further isolating students and preventing a collaborative approach to their well-being.

Legislative Findings and Their Flaws

The bill is grounded in several key findings by the Legislature, but these findings are flawed and potentially harmful:

1. Misguided Notions of Safety: The Legislature claims that all students deserve a safe and supportive school environment. However, true safety and support come from open communication and collaboration between students, parents, and educators. By excluding parents, the bill compromises this essential partnership.

2. Overemphasis on Personal Decision: While the decision to come out is deeply personal, it is also a critical aspect of a child’s life that parents should be involved in. The bill’s stance that students should have the sole right to disclose their identity to parents overlooks the importance of parental guidance and the role of the family in a child’s development.

3. Ignoring Parental Support: The bill acknowledges that parental support significantly benefits LGBTQ+ youth but fails to recognize that such support often requires parents to be informed. Without knowledge of their child’s identity, parents cannot provide the necessary support, rendering the bill’s intentions counterproductive.

Implications for Families

1. Strained Parent-Child Relationships: By promoting secrecy, AB 1955 risks straining parent-child relationships. Parents who discover their child’s identity through means other than direct communication may feel betrayed, leading to potential conflicts and a breakdown in family unity.

2. Limited Parental Involvement: The bill restricts parental involvement in critical aspects of their child’s life. Parents are essential in guiding their children through challenging times, and this bill limits their ability to do so effectively.

3. Potential for Misinformation: With parents excluded from conversations about their child’s gender identity and sexual orientation, there is a risk of misinformation. Parents may turn to unreliable sources for information, leading to misunderstandings and misguided actions.

Implications for Educators and School Staff

1. Legal and Ethical Dilemmas: AB 1955 places educators in difficult legal and ethical dilemmas. Teachers and school staff may struggle with the decision to withhold information from parents, balancing the legal requirements of the bill with their moral obligation to involve parents in their child’s education and well-being.

2. Increased Burden on School Staff: The bill adds to the burden on school staff, who are now responsible for navigating the complexities of student privacy without parental involvement. This can lead to increased stress and potential conflicts within the school environment.


California Assembly Bill 1955, though well-intentioned, poses significant risks to families and parents. By undermining parental rights, promoting secrecy, and straining family relationships, the bill creates an environment where students may be less supported and more vulnerable. True support for LGBTQ+ students requires a collaborative approach that includes parents, educators, and the broader community. It is crucial to reconsider the implications of this bill and work towards solutions that respect parental rights while supporting the well-being of all students.

Click Here to Read the Full Text of AB 1955

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