Burbank taxpayers have been subjected to the massive taxes of the 2017 Measure H which promised to be a magical elixir for homelessness.
Burbank residents paid out $9 million in fiscal year 2019/2020 under Measure H. Only $99,000 came back in the form of the “Landlord Incentive Program”. No one can explain where the rest of the millions go. This happens every year. Burbankers have simply been lied to and stolen from.
The government has consistently misused public funds related to the homeless. This is no surprise since the government legalizes recreational drugs and virtually all homeless cases have a drug abuse and addiction history. Many homeless individuals refuse to be subject to the conditions and rules of a shelter and there are quite often concerned family members ready to support and help these individuals. Meth and heroin camps are common and these individuals will never leave their tent cities until they receive drug treatment.
Government agencies continue to work in silos while the true experts are the nonprofit organizations that are helping these addicts every day. The City should stop buying expensive properties at the taxpayer expense hoping to turn them into shelters.
February 9, 2021 Burbank City Council Meeting video
February 9, 2021 Burbank Staff Report
February 9, 2021 Homeless Budget and Unfunded Needs
There are already regional resources for the homeless including showers, food banks, and beds available: